With Doug Ford taking the Carbon Tax head on, and Jason Kenney prepped for a battle in 2019, all of the sudden Trudeau and McKenna have to be very, very worried about their new favourite revenue stream.
The reality is this: Canadian taxpayers and businesses are under assault by plans to implement carbon taxes. Not only has it been proven to have no real impact on the environment, but our cold climate leads us to produce only 1.5% of the world's greenhouse gases, a number that isn't likely to change. Our elected officials may try to dress it up as a 'regulation' or a 'cap-and-trade' system, but make no mistake this recent policy trend threatens to be one of the largest tax grabs in Canadian history.
At the federal level, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has already announced his intentions to implement a carbon tax as soon as possible, and leading economists estimate that it will add billions of dollars to the cost of doing business in Canada. This is on top of increased costs for consumers for transportation, home heating fuel, and other utilities - costs that will hit rural Canadians and those on fixed incomes particularly hard.
In Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne is trying to force an expensive carbon 'cap-and-trade' system on an unwilling populace. We already know that this tax will NOT be revenue neutral, and will drive jobs and economic opportunities out of the country. In other words, this government is once again hoping to balance the budget on the backs of hard-working taxpayers while putting the provincial economy at risk. On June 7th, Ontarians have a great opportunity to change that by defeating Wynne.
Even in Alberta, Premier Notley implemented a costly and damaging carbon tax as well as an emissions cap that will threaten Alberta's economy as well as Canada's energy sector. This is another mistake from an inexperienced government whose policies have already cost thousands of Albertan jobs.
And in Saskatchewan they are locked in a battle against Prime Minister Trudeau and his imposed carbon-pricing scheme. Not only will this kill jobs in the short-term, but it will also greatly impact the long-term stability of Saskatchewan’s economy.
With their precious new revenue stream in jeopardy, expect a major push-back from the Liberal/NDP establishment. Help stand up to this shameless cash grab by learning more about our Stop the Carbon Tax campaign, the latest radio ad, and make sure you sign the petition while you're there!