Founded in 1967 with the express goal to stand up for Canadian taxpayers and to champion small-c conservative values, The National Citizens Coalition is made up of a dedicated group of professionals working together to ensure the continued success of Canada's pioneering non-profit taxpayer advocacy group.
Peter Coleman
President and CEO
Peter was Treasurer of the National Citizens Coalition from 1990 to 2003. He joined the NCC full-time in March 2003 as Chief Operating Officer and was promoted to President and CEO in May 2006.
Contact Peter at: [email protected]
Alexander Brown
Director of Communications & Campaigns
Alexander Brown is a writer, communications professional, and campaign coordinator for the NCC.
Contact Alexander at: [email protected]
Spencer Fernando
Campaign Fellow
Spencer Fernando is one of the most popular and prolific political writers and independent journalists in Canada. He is a Campaign Fellow for the National Citizens Coalition.
For more from Spencer, visit his website, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
Miriam Alford
Vice President Finance and Administration
As the Vice President of Finance and Administration, Miriam manages the Toronto office and has been with the NCC since 1984.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding administrative items (membership, direct mail, online donations) or operations, please direct your queries to Miriam.
Contact Miriam at: [email protected]
Digital strategy and stakeholder relations
The NCC is proud to work with some of Canada's best and brightest political consultants, writers, and freelancers in crafting advocacy efforts that make a difference for common-sense-minded Canadians.