It's Time For Trudeau's "Walk In The Snow"
New Ad Release -- It's Time For Trudeau's "Walk In The Snow"
You helped deny his majority government. You helped weaken his mandate. Now, you can help speed up his exit. Justin Trudeau is finished. It's time to push for his "walk in the snow."

Click to watch and share the latest ad on Youtube, Twitter, or Facebook.
Telling the truth doesn't come naturally to Trudeau, his PMO, and their media enablers, which is why we can't let a now lame-duck PM spin his vanity election as anything but a waste of your tax dollars, and a clear rebuke of his efforts to divide the country.
Justin Trudeau is finished. With winter upon us, it's the right time to start that push for his walk in the snow.
With the House resuming shortly, we need you to help us drive that narrative home.
We need to broadcast this message to millions on social media.
Will you chip in and help the National Citizens Coalition spread the word?