Yesterday, while you were spending time with your family or shopping for Super Bowl snacks, the Trudeau Liberals were busy launching an all-out assault on our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
In a moment that needs to be seen to be believed, eco-activist turned Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault told Evan Solomon that he APPROVES of the unbelievable findings of last week's Trudeau-commissioned media panel, which called for Soviet-styled government licenses on news websites and even podcasts.
You read that right, you literally won't be able to publish news in Canada without the Trudeau government's approval.
It's a clear violation of the Charter, which guarantees: “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication”.
It's censorship on an Orwellian level -- that would make even Communist China blush.
It's another massive, unethical infringement into the lives of hard-working, patriotic taxpayers.
And, quite frankly, it's worthy of a vote of no confidence.
We think our guy Spencer said it best:

Join us in emailing the "honourable" Steven Guilbeault at: [email protected]
And help flood his offices with calls at 613-992-6779 in Ottawa, and 514-522-1339 in Montreal.
If even a fraction of our 30,000+ supporters chip in, it will make a world of difference.
We simply cannot let this stand.
Anything less, and this is no longer our Canada.