Have you seen the news?
David Johnston just sided with Justin Trudeau and China. There will be no public inquiry into the many reports of escalating Chinese interference under the Liberals' watch.
Like you, I'm incredibly frustrated, but many of us expected this process to be fraudulent from the beginning.
With a 'rapporteur' process deliberately compromised by many personal and professional ties to both the Trudeau family and its (alleged) cash-for-access foundation, it had been made abundantly clear that concerned, freedom-loving Canadians were never going to get a fair shake from the Laurentian elite.
As ever, they've investigated themselves... and found themselves innocent.
This whole process was a sham, and this is Liberal corruption like we've never seen before.
We're not going to take this lying down, and I know neither will you.
Canada's corrupt, compromised, and increasingly-authoritarian PM has never been less popular, and as he limps towards the summer break, freedom-loving Canadians cannot give him an inch.
Help us do right by you and yours. We need to reach millions this summer with the truth about Justin Trudeau. More Canadians need to know that freedom and prosperity are making a comeback.
Click to chip in whatever you can afford today.
Peter Coleman
President & CEO
National Citizens Coalition, est. 1967