RELEASE: Not Our Canada


It's the morning of October 8th, the day after the first anniversary of the deplorable Hamas terror attacks against Israeli citizens, and the Canada we wake up in today is not the one that belonged to our greatest generations, our builders, our unwavering patriots.

Over the past few days, scores of hateful protests have swept the nation, continuing a trend of the targeting of Jewish neighbourhoods, the desecration of our national symbols, and the threatening of our very values, freedoms, and way of life.

And yesterday was the worst day of them all:


If you've missed the grisly scenes online, which are largely being IGNORED by subsidized Liberal media, there were multiple flag burnings, legitimate threats and incitement to hatred and violence, extensive property damage, and the police and security services did nothing.

The Trudeau government has said -- and done -- nothing.

In fact, counter-protesters were BLOCKED by police and protective services across the country, allowing these hate-fests to go unchallenged.

Regardless of one's specific stance on global conflict, it has been undeniable from the beginning that the Canadian Left has lost its mind. They'll take a turn on the fainting couch over "honk, honk," and overwhelmingly peaceful, law-abiding trucker protests, but "DEATH TO CANADA!" doesn't register, because we're all "settler colonialists" who must be punished for our identities, for loving our country, and for taking care of our communities. 

It's not just the abandonment of peaceful, prosperous, charitable Jewish Canadians that should have every Canadian on full alert this morning, it's the utter abandonment of CANADA over nine years of Justin Trudeau.

When he promised he wanted Canada to be the world's "first post-national state," apparently, that's the one promise he's kept.

Since then we have imported terror, terrorists, and every Third World diasporic grievance imaginable; some of the world's very worst -- seemingly on purpose.

Literal terror-backing groups like Samidoun are allowed to set up shop in Vancouver. Gangland Khalistani violence is allowed to threaten communities in Brampton, Surrey, and Calgary. We have attempted terrorists entering from Pakistan, to claim fake asylum here, so they can go murder Jews in New York. 'We' have been compromised. 'We' have been corrupted. 'We' have become a liability to our friends and allies.

'We' are run by cowards, traitors, and thieves.

And every day, thousands more enter on limited to non-existent background checks. Many are military-aged males with zero prospects, zero skills, and zero shared values.

Enough is enough. Yesterday was a disgrace. This past year, and the nine before it, have been a disgrace.

Trudeau's post-national, pro-terror, pro-crime reign must end.

If you share my alarm, if you wish to help us win hearts and minds away from the disloyal, anti-civilizational far-left, and the barbarians who would do your country harm, your support is most welcome.

More importantly, thank you for being here. Thank you for loving your country. Thank you for not giving up on her, even when your government gives up on you.

We'll continue to right the wrong. We'll Fire Trudeau, together.


Alexander Brown
Director of Communications & Campaigns
National Citizens Coalition, est. 1967