It's another DEVASTATING and well-deserved Byelection Blow to Justin Trudeau.
The Liberals secured only 4.8% of the vote in Elmwood—Transcona; a historic low for a major party.
And they have LOST in Montreal’s LaSalle—Émard—Verdun, long a riding as secure as Toronto-St. Paul's, and even the former riding of PM Paul Martin.
When they can't even compete in left-leaning Winnipeg, and when they can't even hold ridings in 'Forteresse Montreal,' we know our hard work is paying off. Canadians have taken back their power, and nothing less than a return to freedom and common sense will do.

With seats in Toronto and Montreal no longer safe, no seat is safe for the worst government in Canada's history, and this Great Canadian Comeback Story is just getting started.
It's astounding that the Liberals won't give the Canadians the election they're asking for, and that they refuse to recognize the error of their ways. The sheer arrogance... the utter detachment from the ruin they've inflicted on this country...
We're here to help take it all back from them, and restore your Canada to the proud, free, and prosperous nation we know it can be.
With a major billboard coming in Toronto, an expansion into print media, and more of the best digital ads in the third-party space to follow, we take our role very seriously as a conservative watchdog and unofficial opposition.
When this disastrous late-stage Liberal regime has the support of million-dollar interests, purchased media, and (alleged...) partners in foreign interference, a group like the NCC becomes doubly important. We're not just actively campaigning to voters on your behalf, we're providing a counter-signal against the team that seeks to break your country for good.
These latest Bombshell Byelection results are another sign our work to Fire Trudeau is working. But the fight doesn't end 'til Election Day, and we hand the Liberals less than 50 seats.
Help us continue to do all that we can on your behalf. Chip in generously with a donation of $25, $100, or whatever you can afford today. We mean business. Over the next 14 days to end Q3, 100% of the proceeds go DIRECTLY to our election war chest!
Thanks for all that you do. Together, we'll make it happen: WE WILL FIRE TRUDEAU!
The team at the National Citizens Coalition
NCC President Peter Coleman is available for comment at: [email protected]