Choose Wisely, Ontario

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As a pioneering third-party non-profit, we're always up for the fight against destructive Liberal-NDP coalitions, but especially when they're this out of touch with the pressing everyday needs of taxpayers. 

With a pivotal Ontario election just weeks away, it's time to get serious about protecting the priorities of hard-working families. 

After two difficult years, there may be no perfect option in this election, but only one choice is wrong.

Beware the Liberal-NDP Lockdown Coalition.

"Be careful, Ontario. The Liberals and NDP are open to striking a backroom deal that would see them rule by coalition government. That could mean North America's harshest mandates and an endless cycle of big government control over your family and your business.

"You have real priorities. On June 2nd, vote to protect them."

We need to fight the threat of another Liberal-NDP coalition with all that we've got, and many million-dollar unions have already pledged themselves to the Liberal-NDP cause. Will you help us counter their efforts? We need to reach millions province-wide before it's too late.

Ontario residents, if you're presently able, click to chip in with a donation, or show your support by signing your name below.

The Petition

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Recent Signatures

Pat Mullen
Austin Keddy
Marilyn Richet
Km Stordy
Phyllis Costa
Jennifer Eady
mary howard
Martina Bruce
colleen montgomery
Peter A. Sellar
Edward Gilbert
Marion Kreutz
Alyson Williams
Adrien Groulx
curtis hartlin
David Darcis
christina laskowski
Michael Marian
Richard Courtemanche
Debbie Leblanc