Mark Carney "Didn't Come Back For You"


That's some "outsider."

Run by Gerald Butts; beholden to the U.N. 'Climate Envoy' and the WEF; the key Economic Adviser behind the Liberals' destruction of the nation's finances; a massively conflicted globalist business magnate, who invests in Chinese energy and the global coal industry while seeking to turn off Canada's lights; if "Mark Carney is an outsider, I'm the Pope." (Lorrie Goldstein)

Now, it falls on all common-sense, recovery-minded Canadians to respond to the threat of a Carney campaign orchestrated by the PMO.

He's not only "Just Like Justin," he's worse.

To borrow from the Ignatieff playbook: "He didn't come back for you," that's true.

But who did he come back for...?


The NCC's leading third-party Fire Trudeau Fund -- now the Fire Liberal Fund -- is prepared to meet this threat head-on, and Canada's pioneering conservative non-profit needs your support.

Whether it's Carney, Freeland, or another woke, destructive Liberal with out-of-touch, elite designs to finish Trudeau's efforts to destroy Canada, this is a now-or-never moment for a Canada torn apart by far-left, anti-civilizational, country-hating "post-national" politics; self-sabotaging Communistic spending and the growth of a permanent bureaucracy; unvetted mass immigration and the economic replacement of the lower and middle class; the desecration of our armed forces; and destructive carbon taxes and policies of "Net-Zero" energy poverty.

There's a reason the only media the Trudeau PMO has engaged in of late (and that includes Carney) has been elite liberal media in New York and Washington: they're going all-in on their foreign conflicts to protect their destructive global hegemony, even if it inflicts more damage on working Canadians, our energy industries, and destroys the Canadian middle class for good.

We say "NO."

Canada can ill-afford to return to the failed business practices and policies of brown-outs, black-outs, inflation, and soaring taxes and energy bills that have led countless countries to abandon Carney's "Net-Zero" extortion. To truly make a difference for emissions on the world stage, Canada must get its best-in-class, greenest-in-class oil and gas to global markets. We need to innovate, not tax, ban, and subsidize.

Together, we have major gains to protect and fights to finish. With this rising threat, we cannot take either for granted.

You deserve a Canada run by and for common-sense, freedom-loving Canadians; not more of the same, and worse.

Canada's pioneering conservative third-party advocate is committed to doing all that's in its power to ensure that happens. Renewal letters are in the mail to donors on the mailing list, but time is still of the essence with a selfish and compromised Liberal leadership contest already underway. Help us kickstart the 2025 Canadian Election Campaign -- the year we Take Back Your Canada -- with your most generous donation today.

Please, if you're able, chip in $25, $100, $500, $1000, or whatever you can afford.

Carney didn't come back for you. Freeland's never been in it for you.

So we Fire the Trudeau Liberals -- all of them.


The team at the National Citizens Coalition