Election Season Begins In 2024 -- Renew Your Support!



The opportunity we’ve all been waiting for is here: 2024 officially marks the beginning of the election campaign to defeat the Trudeau Liberals once and for all.

Freedom is indeed making a comeback. Trudeau finds himself at historic lows in the polls, as generations of Canadians find themselves denied of basic services, or even the dream of one day owning a home – but we cannot take this momentum for granted.

We're not being hyperbolic when we say this is our most important fundraising period ever – because we’re entering the most important Canadian election ever.

We have a choice. We can either watch Canada backslide out of the Developed World, OR we can stand and fight, target Trudeau in the ridings where he’s long felt most comfortable, and help lead millions of grassroots, working Canadians to the polls on election day.

Here at Canada’s pioneering conservative third-party campaigner, we choose the latter – and we know you do too.

Trudeau is trying to destroy Canada.

Life has been made unaffordable on purpose. He has denied tens of millions the dream of home ownership on purpose. His reckless immigration targets have stayed at record levels on purpose. He's standing in the way of Canadian energy prosperity, and a functioning two-tier healthcare system on purpose.

That's why it's so vital that groups like the NCC hit our fundraising targets, so that the Liberals won't have a chance to finish off Canada with their freedom and prosperity-hating agenda.

This truly is our most important fundraising effort – and deadline – EVER. Trudeau’s million-dollar special interests are already busy planning for the election, and many in the legacy media were just bribed with an additional $100,000,000.

If brave conservatives don’t stand up and support efforts to lobby the public to just say no to the Liberal Party and their corrupt media messaging apparatus, millions of Canadians will be won over by lies and mistruths in support of the failing status quo and 'post-national' decline.

That’s why we need your support - it’s why Canada needs your support!

We have all the systems in place: social media and digital channels that often draw more than the left-wing parties; the best campaign talent in Canada ready to go. We just need you.

Help take a stand, and be a part of ensuring Trudeau's defeat once and for all. If you're presently able, renew your support to the NCC with a generous donation of $35, $135, or even $1000, so that we can do all that we can on your behalf.


The team at the National Citizens Coalition