First and foremost I hope that you're all staying warm as this cold spell sweeps the nation. Here at the National Citizens Coalition we want to wish a massive THANK YOU to our great Canadian energy workers, and Premiers Moe and Smith, who are working so diligently to keep the lights on in weather rendering Trudeau 'heat pumps' and subsidized EVs largely useless.
I know I speak for all of us when I say thank goodness for natural gas, for if Steven Guilbeault had his way, Alberta would presently be in rolling brown-outs at -40.
I'm writing to freedom-loving Canadians like you today, because I'm relieved to finally see movement on our Liberal-created mass immigration crisis, which has fueled massive second-order effects on our existing housing and healthcare problems.
As the first campaign to market that called for Responsible Immigration, we have collected thousands of signatures, spread this message to hundreds of thousands of concerned Canadians, placed articles online and in the major papers, and even spoken directly with ministers and policymakers about this desperate need to return to targets that will lighten the load for services that have been broken by far too much demand, with so little supply.
At long last, the Poilievre Conservatives have started to announce they will tie immigration to housing, and even disgraceful Immigration Minister Marc Miller, who has helped break Canada as much as any, has been forced to admit it's time to start capping international students, who are arriving in record numbers, and being forced to live eight to a basement. That's no Canadian Dream. That's a nightmare.
And yet, we have to keep pushing. This "diploma mill" problem is still too great. We cannot support these numbers. D-tier colleges operating out of strip malls are taking advantage of these students, just as these students are harming our infrastructure and housing supply. And more should be expected of premiers like Doug Ford, who have allowed for these dubious institutions to pop up like weeds. Just this morning, our comms director Alexander Brown wrote a terrific piece about these diploma mills, where an inside source shares what a joke they actually are...
We have to continue to stand up for the issues most important to Canadians -- be they insane immigration numbers nobody voted for, or fighting to keep the lights on in -40.
With the Liberal threats to our nation this dire, we cannot take momentum in the polls for granted. We need to do all that we can to keep Trudeau on the mat, and even drive Conservative action.
Will you help me grow the grassroots, and win more votes away from these ruinous, out-of-touch Liberals?
Help take a stand, and be a part of ensuring Trudeau's defeat once and for all. If you're presently able, kindly chip in with a donation to support our pioneering non-profit work.
Thanks for all that you do, and thank you for driving change on this vital file!
Peter Coleman
President & CEO
National Citizens Coalition