Justin Trudeau Deceived Canadians To Gain Power, Now His Lies Are Catching Up To Him
By Spencer Fernando, Exclusive to the National Citizens Coalition

For a long time, a key element of the Liberal brand has been an ‘above it all’ centrism focused on ‘doing what works’ regardless of whether an idea came from the left or the right.
With most Canadians understandably wanting to avoid extremes, this branding contributed to the strength of the Liberal Party and helped them overcome their ‘near-death’ experience in 2015.
It’s easy to forget now, but Justin Trudeau’s 2015 campaign featured rhetorical outreach to the libertarian wing of the Conservative Party, with the now-prime minister even delivering a speech on ‘Canadian Liberty and the Politics of Fear.’
Trudeau portrayed himself as someone who was opposed to government overreach, and – combined with the focus on marijuana legalization – made inroads for the Liberals among some libertarian-minded Canadians.
At the same time, Trudeau campaigned on the promise to run "three small deficits," thus appealing both to those who wanted to see more government spending and those who were wary of endless long-term deficits.
Trudeau wrapped all of this up in a ‘Sunny Ways’ campaign that left many Canadians hoping the next government would be a relatively moderate Liberal administration that was a bit more open and modern.
Well, that’s not how it turned out.
Trudeau has proven deeply hostile to ‘Canadian Liberty’, as he almost revels in using the power of the state to interfere in the economy, guide the media, weaken freedom of expression, shut down bank accounts of protestors, and impose emergency powers.
Trudeau’s "three small deficits" have proven to be endless, and his economic management – if you can even call it that – has wiped out the once-strong enough reputation the Liberals had on economic issues.
As for that ‘Sunny Ways’ ‘above it all centrism,’ Trudeau has morphed into a deeply angry, deeply partisan, and deeply divisive leader who has pushed the Liberal Party far to the left, joining with the far-left leader of the NDP, and alienating many traditional moderate Liberal supporters.
Trudeau has vacated the centre of the political spectrum, which is a key reason the Conservatives are so far ahead in the polls. The Conservatives are now the moderate and centrist party in this country, and a ‘shift to the right’ after so many years of Trudeau’s radical policies will simply bring Canada back to a more reasonable and acceptable centre.
In short, Justin Trudeau deceived Canadians to gain power. While his election win was legitimate (Canada has a secure and trustworthy electoral system, though foreign interference within our political parties themselves is a serious concern) – he promised Canadians a vision of the future he had no intention of even trying to deliver. Those kinds of lies may win an election, but they always catch up to the government that uses them.
And that’s what’s happening now.
Justin Trudeau and the Liberals can no longer run from the gap between their promises and their results.
The Liberals have abandoned the centre
Now, there may be some people who still struggle with the idea of seeing the Liberals as a ‘far-left’ party.
The Liberal brand has been so associated with ‘centrism’ and ‘moderation’ that it is almost reflexive for many people.
But, a look at the reality of life in Canada today shows how much Justin Trudeau has turned the Liberal Party into something very different.
Under Justin Trudeau, Canada has been subjected to a series of radical experiments, all of which have failed.
The Liberals tried to combat illegal drug use by making it easier for people to get illegal drugs.
The result?
Overdose deaths have risen dramatically.
The Liberals tried to fight crime by reversing many of the tough-on-crime measures of the Harper government.
The result?
Violent crime has surged.
The Liberals tried to grow the economy through a massive increase in the bureaucracy, endless deficit spending, and immense taxpayer-funded subsidies to companies the Liberals handpicked as ‘winners’.
The result?
Canada has one of the worst-performing economies among our peers on a per capita basis, our debt has risen dramatically, inflation has severely depleted our purchasing power, and we have little to show for all that spending.
The Liberals tried a radical immigration experiment, packing a decade of immigration growth into two years.
The result?
Canada’s once-vaunted immigration system has been wrecked, social divisions are rising, racism is surging, Canadian workers and newcomers alike have been victimized by lies from the government, much of an entire generation is locked out of housing, young Canadians are struggling to find work, and our standard of living is declining as the country struggles to absorb an unsustainable number of people.
Look at that list again, and then realize how profound it is that the Liberals can’t point to success in any major area of responsibility.
Immigration is worse than before they took over.
The economy is worse than before they took over.
Crime is worse than before they took over.
Housing affordability is worse than before they took over.
Social divisions are worse than before they took over.
Canada’s reputation on the world stage is worse than before they took over.
The Liberals don’t have any accomplishments to run on.
They can’t win on the facts.
They can’t win on the reality of life in Canada.
All they have left are more lies and more division.
Quite frankly, Canadians are tired of it all.
It’s time for this country to move on from Trudeau’s decade of failure, fire Trudeau, and turn the page to a new era of hope, opportunity, and prosperity for all Canadians.
Spencer Fernando is one of the most popular and prolific political voices in Canada. He is a writer and campaign fellow for the National Citizens Coalition. Join the mailing list to receive his exclusive weekly columns in your inbox.
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