Trudeau’s Foreign Policy Lies In Ruins
By Spencer Fernando, Exclusive to the National Citizens Coalition

As we are seeing in headlines around the world, this planet can be an unpredictable and chaotic place.
With that in mind, we can understand if leaders get things wrong once in a while.
But when a leader gets so many things wrong, it’s more than just a simple mistake. It’s about a worldview that is simply at odds with reality.
And when we take a look at Justin Trudeau’s foreign policy, we can see that every single bet made by Trudeau and the Liberals has been a losing bet.
Trudeau based Canada’s foreign policy on multiple assumptions:
Canada should get closer to China.
Canada should depend on increased immigration for growth.
Canada should distance ourselves from our Western allies, particularly the United States.
Canada should weaken our energy sector in favour of international environmental agreements.
Canada should increase our reliance on institutions like the United Nations and World Health Organization.
Canada should continue our weak contribution to NATO by keeping military spending low.
Each of those assumptions has been demolished.
Everyone – except perhaps Justin Trudeau – can see that China is hostile to all free nations, and has become an adversary, not a friend. Their kidnapping of our citizens, their concentration camps, their assault on Hong Kong’s democracy, their threats to our allies, and their decision to let flights out of Wuhan thus allowing the CCP Virus to spread are all the acts of a hostile power we must distance ourselves from. Canadians have realised this, with polls showing we have decisively turned against China.
When it comes to immigration, Canada’s already-high immigration numbers were dramatically increased under the Liberals, despite public opinion being against those increases. Notably, before the pandemic hit, Canada’s economic growth rates were far lower than in the United States, despite the per-capita immigration rate in the US being far lower. This meant that much of Canada’s economic ‘growth’ was simply population growth, whereas growth in the US was based on real productivity increases. And now, a report by RBC Economics is warning that the immigration-fuelled growth strategy being undertaken by Canada could be derailed due to the ongoing pandemic-related travel restrictions around the world.
When it comes to our allies, the Trudeau Liberals clearly tried to distance Canada from our traditional allies in the United States, the UK, and Europe, while pursuing deeper relations with China. As noted above, that was a total disaster.