And that is the issue here.
Trudeau simply appears too weak to do anything real.
After all, considering how many simple things he could do easily, why hasn’t he done them?
Why hasn’t he banned Huawei?
Why hasn’t he imposed legislation that would help stop foreign homebuyers from making our cities unaffordable for our own Citizens?
Why hasn’t he issued aggressive tariffs on certain Chinese products?
Why hasn’t he issued a blanket ban on all takeovers of Canadian companies by Chinese state-owned firms?
These are all things that could be done quickly.
Even doing one of them, just one of them, would demonstrate some resolve.
And yes, I can already hear the voices of the corrupt elites who claim this would ‘damage Canada’s economy,’ as if they are willing to sacrifice everything our country stands for and sell us out to China in order to get a possible boost in GDP.
Of course, that is the point. We must prove our willingness to take tough actions, even actions that have consequences in Canada, in order to show strength and resolve against the CCP.
Otherwise, we aren’t a country, we aren’t a people, and we aren’t a nation with values.
At this point, it is clear that Justin Trudeau is simply hoping that people will be swayed by tough words, without looking for any action behind it.
And given that the corrupt media is in the tank for him, it’s possible that he’ll get away with it.
As a result, China’s infiltration of our country would continue unabated, and would become even more sinister since people would think it had been stopped.
That’s why all of us need to reach out to our family and friends – particularly those who don’t follow politics – and explain how China poses a threat, and how Trudeau’s weakness makes that threat even worse.
We have a responsibility as Canadians to live up to the values our nation is based on, and fight back against any ‘leader’ who fails to do what is right.
Spencer Fernando is one of the most popular and prolific political voices in Canada. He is a Campaign Fellow for the National Citizens Coalition. For more from Spencer, visit his website, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
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