Nobody expected it to last.
Nobody voted for endless gigantic deficits.
But now, in an epic bait-and-switch, that’s what the Liberals are pushing.
They are exploiting this crisis to impose a radical agenda they never campaigned on.
Every failed ‘green’ policy, every idea that proved so disastrous under the Wynne Liberals in Ontario (who moved to the left of the NDP in many ways) and every radical dream of the eco socialists, is going to be imposed on the unwilling Canadian People.
This will be devastating for working class Canadians.
Absolutely devastating.
For many years, working class Canadians have been getting crushed by a variety of forces, including jobs being shipped to China, cheap labour being shipped into Canada, ‘free trade’ deals that enriched foreign countries at our expense, carbon taxes, and more.
The CCP Virus Crisis was a crippling blow to people across the country, and working class Canadians were hit hard.
Literally the last thing the working class needs is a massive rise in the cost of living, and an agenda that cripples huge portions of our economy.
A radical green agenda will crush wages even more, make everything more expensive, eliminate good paying jobs building tangible things (the kind of jobs the Liberals hate), and put more and more of our economy into the hands of foreign corporations and foreign countries.
Why would Trudeau be doing this?
Why would he declare war on the working class?
Because working class Canadians are standing in the way of the radical far-left agenda that has taken over the Liberals.
Keep in mind, there is a disturbing alliance (in practice, if not in name), between China, global corporations, and the radical left.
Global corporations benefit from cheap labour.
Cheap labour is easier to import in countries that don’t believe in borders and that have been demoralized internally. When politicians destroy confidence in the nation, it’s far easier for corporations to step in and do whatever they want.
China benefits from powerful global corporations, as those companies are focused only on enhancing their profits, ignoring crimes against humanity, ignoring the brutal oppression of the Chinese Communist Party, and seeking to silence those who push for bringing manufacturing back home.