As Violent Gang Crime Surges, Cowardly ‘Woke’ Politicians Trudeau & Tory Divide Canada By Scapegoating Patriotic Gun Owners
By Spencer Fernando, Exclusive to the National Citizens Coalition

When the horrendous Nova Scotia mass shooting took place, the first response of the Liberal government was to promise a crackdown on law-abiding Canadian gun owners, a reaction which was completely at odds with the facts.
This is the same dangerous and dehumanizing scapegoating tactic politicians like Justin Trudeau and Toronto mayor John Tory use over and over and over again:
Regardless of the facts, they try and twist things around to somehow blame everything on Canada’s patriotic law-abiding firearm owners.
Of course, since this scapegoating is based entirely on lies, it is easily exposed.
And with the Liberals still pushing a gun ban that targets law-abiding Canadians, those lies are ‘complicating the narrative.’
Here’s what Matt Gurney wrote in a recent National Post column:
“The problem is this: critics of the ban are entirely right when they say that what the Liberals propose misses the mark. Canada’s millions of licenced gun owners commit very few crimes with their firearms. Any effort to crack down on them is largely wasted effort from a perspective of improving public safety.”
Gurney also addresses crime in Toronto:
“As I’ve noted in previous columns, Toronto, despite a rash of shootings in recent years, doesn’t have a gun control problem. The gun control system is working just fine within its area of responsibility: the lawful ownership, storage, repair, sale and use of legally owned firearms. Toronto has a gang and organized crime problem.
Expecting the gun control system to solve those problems is bonkers. It can’t, and won’t. It’s the wrong tool for that job. Responding to Toronto’s gang problem with more gun control is like sending in a dentist to fix your toilet, and when that fails, concluding that your failure was in sending too few dentists.”
And, Gurney shares a stat that the Liberals desperately want to avoid: Out of about 100,000 legally-owned AR-15s in the country, a total of ZERO of them have been used by a murderer.