The Politicians Are Addicted To This Crisis
By Spencer Fernando, Exclusive to the National Citizens Coalition

For many years, the reputation of politicians and the establishment has been collapsing.
Where most once believed in what the government said, that confidence had evaporated.
As the establishment lost their monopoly on information, they lost control of the narrative, and their dishonesty was increasingly exposed.
Politicians kept demanding respect, without earning it.
Their lies became increasingly obvious, their incompetence fully revealed.
It was a case of everyone realizing the emperor had no clothes.
Of course, rather than react to this trend by being more honest, more transparent, and more competent, the politicians instead decided to try and clamp down on information, control social media, and concentrate power.
And that’s why they’ve become so addicted to the CCP Coronavirus Crisis.
Think about it:
At the beginning, they got everything wrong.
While people like me were warning of the threat of the virus from China, they opposed border controls, opposed preventative measures, and called people ‘racist’ for wanting to protect our nation. They said the ‘risk was low,’ and that it wouldn’t be a problem within Canada.
They even said that ‘stigma’ was the ‘real threat.’
They let the virus into the country, and then told us that we didn’t need to wear masks.
They then reversed themselves, locked down the country, and shut it all down.
But then – after shutting down every big event – they allowed politically-correct protests, and some politicians like Justin Trudeau even attended those protests.
After all of these reversals and failures, you would expect the popularity of the politicians to have declined.
Instead, it rose massively.
Both federally and provincially, politicians saw their approval ratings rise to new highs. We saw this with Doug Ford, who more than doubled his ratings.
In large part, this was because of the media, who decided to abandon any pretense of holding the government accountable, and instead decided to simply repeat the government message while propping up those in power.