Erin O’Toole Serves Canadians. Trudeau Serves Only Himself
By Spencer Fernando, Exclusive to the National Citizens Coalition

Lost in much of the discussion of new Conservative Party Leader Erin O’Toole is that if he becomes Prime Minister, he would be the first PM in some time to have served in the Canadian Armed Forces.
O’Toole served as a Sea King Helicopter Navigator in the Royal Canadian Air Force, becoming a Captain.
His service record was clearly quite good, and he even earned the Sikorsky Helicopter Rescue Award for rescuing a fisherman who was injured at sea.
O’Toole also comes from a family that understood the working class experience, as his father John spent many years working at General Motors, before becoming a politician in Ontario.
In short, Erin O’Toole spent many years serving Canadians – in a far more direct way than most politicians. By serving in the Armed Forces, O’Toole was willing to put his life on the line for the rest of our country.
This is true both of those who see combat directly, and those who don’t, because being in the armed forces always carries the potential of being sent off to war, or being the first line of defence if a conflict comes to our shores.
Meanwhile, while politicians often talk about themselves as public servants, they far more often act like rulers. And when it comes to war, politicians don’t face any risks themselves, they send others to face those risks instead.
When it comes to true public service, Erin O’Toole would be a big step up from previous leaders.
And that’s quite true when we consider the contrast with Justin Trudeau.
As we have seen, Justin Trudeau serves only himself.
Well, maybe that’s not quite fair.
As the WE Scandal has shown, Trudeau also serves his immediate family at taxpayer expense.
But whoever Trudeau is serving, it certainly isn’t the Canadian People.
What the WE Scandal showed was more than just Trudeau’s lack of ethics, but also his screwed up priorities.
In the middle of an economic & health crisis, Trudeau was still intently focused on directing money to a group that had close personal connections to him, and that had enriched his family.