But you see, all of this was “necessary” we were told.
Our leaders were “guided by the science.”
But then, the science changed.
A new report came out in a highly respected medical journal that revealed the Coronavirus only targets people who are protesting politically incorrect causes.
In a shocking finding, it turns out that those who protest in a way that politicians and the establishment press approve of were in fact immune to the virus.
As a result, social distancing rules weren’t needed for politically correct protests, since COVID-19 picked victims based on politics, showing a remarkable and previously unseen level of intelligence for a spreading virus.
Of course, that’s not at all what happened.
We know that a virus doesn’t care about politics or any human idea.
Yet, the Trudeau government, and many of the so-called ‘experts’ acted exactly as if that was the case.
They undertook a stunning reversal, switching from denouncing any questioning of lockdowns to encouraging and even participating in huge rallies in the downtowns of major cities.
Think about this for a second.
People were shamed for trying to reopen small local businesses.
People were shamed for going to the park.
People were shamed for wanting to see their loved ones in their final moments.
People were shamed for wanting to attend religious services.
People were shamed for wanting to attend funerals.
And then, after all of that, people were literally encouraged to move from disparate locations around cities, gather together in a central area, and then go back out into their communities, something that is far more dangerous in terms of spreading a virus than any of those things I mentioned above.
Now, I don’t have a problem with the protests. In fact, I think we all agree that what happened to George Floyd was horrendous, and people are rightfully outraged and have the total right to express that outrage through peaceful protests.
The issue is the hypocrisy of politicians like Justin Trudeau and the ‘experts.’
They encouraged and participated in something that completely goes against what they were telling everyone else.