MEDIA RELEASE: Down Go The Liberals In 'Fortress Toronto'!

It's really happening. Canadians are coming together to Fire Trudeau.
The Liberals, their pundits, and surely a few partners in foreign interference and breaking Canada further are waking up stunned this morning, as in the early morning hours the Conservatives DEFEATED the Trudeau Liberals in their lynchpin Toronto riding -- a riding the Liberals have held since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Trudeau's once-impenetrable 'Fortress Toronto' has fallen. And this is just the start. It's time to take the Liberals' much-needed electoral decimation to new heights.
Law-abiding, hard-working, country-loving Canadians have had enough. They see a housing and healthcare crisis made worse every day by unchecked mass immigration and the laundering of 800,000+ foreign students through shameful diploma mills.
They've watched as the crime, chaos, and disorder in our streets have grown worse over nine long years.
They're being crushed at the pumps, in the grocery store, and on their hydro bills.
An entire generation has given up on the dream of ever owning a home.
And what have the Liberals done? They've only doubled down. Tripled down. In a presser-turned-stump-speech yesterday, Chrystia Freeland castigated the 75% of Canadians who now actively oppose the Canada-breaking designs of the Trudeau Liberals as "cold, cruel, and small."
Unbelievable. What's cold, cruel, and small is a near-decade of a growth-less economy, the abandonment of synagogues and churches to hate-filled mobs wielding Molotov cocktails, the driving of ridiculous progressive wedges and imagined debates on reproductive issues when mothers can't take their children to the park without worrying if a legalized government drug addict will do them harm.
Canadians have finally and firmly signalled that enough is enough.
And we're proud to be playing our part.
The NCC's leading Fire Trudeau Fund is reaching millions of targeted voters, and we'll continue to do so all summer long -- even if Trudeau is forced to walk the plank on this sinking Liberal ship.
When the Liberals hate you -- and your Canada -- to such a degree, no momentum can be taken for granted. They'll do anything. Promise anything. Whatever it takes to cling to power...
They've deliberately broken the country for far less.
NOW is the moment to strike, and to put more wind in the sails of a historic and long-awaited Liberal defeat. We're campaigning RIGHT NOW on your behalf with the best video ads in the business.
Let's kick off the Canada Day festivities by growing the grassroots, and by doing all that we can to defeat the Trudeau Liberals once and for all. Please, help harness this momentum, by chipping in to the leading third-party campaign that's winning votes away from Justin Trudeau.
The Toronto-St. Paul's byelection has been a terrific result for all of us. Let's keep pushing.
Peter Coleman
Alexander Brown
Spencer Fernando
Campaign Fellow
And the rest of the team at the National Citizens Coalition: Canada's pioneering conservative non-profit and campaign advertiser.