Defund The CBC

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Thanks to committed patriots like you, who have seen through the lies of our state broadcaster, Canada finally has a serious shot at dismantling the bloat at the CBC once and for all.

But only if we act NOW. 

If we’ve learned one thing from the recent events at the Standing Parliamentary Committee on Canadian Heritage reviewing the state of the CBC:

Not only were overtaxed and underserved Canadians right to support the idea of defunding the CBC… but we now know that it’s even worse than we thought!

Despite being subsidized to the tune of $1.3B each year, CBC continues to reward their elite and protected management class with $100 MILLION in bonuses – and there’s no sign of them turning off the taps anytime soon.

It’s not just a failing public broadcaster that wastes our money protecting Liberal politicians and their interests...

The CBC is a hivemind of hyper-partisanship, incompetence, entitlement, embezzlement and corruption. It represents everything that’s wrong with a Liberal subsidy-and-handout model that steals hundreds of BILLIONS in tax dollars per year, to grease the palms of friends and insiders, while offering no benefit to working Canadians. And it needs to end NOW.

CBC bosses are assembling their golden parachutes in preparation to leave taxpayers like YOU with a bankrupt, worthless asset. 

We have a goal of compiling 50,000 FIRE CATHERINE TAIT-DEFUND THE CBC signatures that we will deliver to Committee Chair Hon. Hedy Fry MP (Lib) and Vice Chairs Kevin Waugh MP (Con) and Martin Champoux MP (BQ).

So please, help us STOP the public looting at CBC HQ, and help us make the stance of freedom-loving Canadians clear on the future of subsidized media.

WE THE UNDERSIGNED call on the Parliamentary Heritage Committee to FIRE CATHERINE TAIT NOW & PREPARE FOR THE DEFUNDING OF THE CBC, before Canadians have nothing left of the CBC to sell off.

SIGN NOW, and keep an eye on your email for campaign updates!

The Petition

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Recent Signatures

Mike Wehrwein
Jessica Doerksen
Grant Terrell
Shannon Hopf
Kristine Orcherton
Lyle Federenko
Victor Fehr
Shane Leonard
Ken McGee
Vlad Ruxanda
Nadine Kam
Nicole Draper
Brian Macdonald
Ed Milliken
David Warren
Corey Soper
Corey Soper
Corey Soper
Joanne Sturgeon
Ken Evans