The People vs. Justin Trudeau!


With your support, #TrudeauMustGo is running ads that are making a BIG difference in the fight against four more years of Justin Trudeau.

In just the last month we've reached over a million-and-a-half Canadians together with the NCC's Spencer Fernando. 

Our independent, taxpayer-supported content has more engagements than the federal NDP and Green parties, and we're throttling the numbers of the US-funded, millionaire special interests that want to keep you-know-who in power so he can continue to land-lock Canadian resources, and kill our competitiveness! 

Our latest ads, 'Justin Trudeau vs. the Provinces', and 'Leaked Footage of Trudeau's Testimony on SNC' spent the weekend going viral, and we hope you liked them! 


Our election-winning advertising team is driving content that's being shared by MPs, Senators, newspaper editors, and thousands of fed-up taxpayers across the country -- and it's all because of your support! 

A donation of just $50 today will help us reach 10,000 voters on your behalf. $100 will reach 20,000!

Click to support #TrudeauMustGo today. Your generous support will continue to help us make original, independent election content on your behalf, and reach millions of voters during the most pivotal campaign of our lifetime!

#TrudeauMustGo is making a big difference. And it's all because of you. 

Click to sign the petition, and help us get to 10k signatures!