Decision Alberta: Choosing Jobs



Over 180,000 Albertans out of work.

Millions in foreign funds being used to cripple our energy sector

Pipelines that should have been finished. 

An alliance between Premier and Prime Minister that has left a country teetering on the brink of a recession. 

Election day is about many things, but more than anything else: it's about jobs.

Not elitist concepts like "social licenses", or empty rhetoric about "populist fear-mongering". It's about getting hard-working Canadians back to work, and a provincial government that must learn to listen to Albertans, not millionaire-backed US eco-warriors, or that cosmopolitan Prime Minister with a western disdain that rivals only that of his father's.

April 16th will be a good day for the province, and the hundreds of thousands left alienated by those that didn't have their best interests at heart.

We're with you, Alberta. 

And good luck.